Thursday 7 November 2013

Why start writing?

Why start writing?

Why start writing is a question I asked myself a bit at Primary school because the teachers kept telling me I should write more as I was good at it. I do not think, or believe, my love of writing came from the nagging of my Primary school teachers, I know it came from deep inside myself, because only I could choose what I wanted, and I chose to write. To a lot of people writing doesn't seem like much fun, it's just a bunch of words being typed up, but to others, like me, it's amazing. A couple of days ago I held what would be the manuscript of my story, Dead Raiser, in my hands for the first time. You see, I had written it up on my laptop and it's so very different to see your writing on actual paper, even if it's not in a book.

I was so happy when the last page was ejected from the printer that I didn't care that I had to go through it meticulously and make sure it was all in order, it was there, in front of me. That feeling is one of the very best, it's like holding a piece of your mind in your hands, something that you and you alone could see for such a long time and now others can see it too, they can appreciate it. This feeling and the act of letting others see how you do is one of the many reasons people write, I am only fifteen but started when I was thirteen. You see, things CAN actually come from humble beginnings, when I was thirteen I was inspired to write a fanfiction about my favourite character's from the Morganville Vampires books by a song.

Once I started that fanfiction I couldn't stop, I was hooked and would spend AGES writing. Once it was done I actually sat up on my bed, looked around then said aloud. "What the hell did I do before I started this?"  So yes, writing CAN be addictive and it won't stop, there isn't much you can do, that I know of, to stop writing something once you've started. If you get hooked on writing something, then continue, because it'll be great as you've put SO much effort in.

I cannot remember what I was about to say when I started this post, but I know where it was headed, and that's what you should keep in mind. I hope you found this somehow helpful, also, this is the song that inspired my fanfiction:
I hope the link works. I mean, see you sometime :D


  1. Good for you, Charleen! Nothing more satisfying than getting it done, is there? I'm about ready to put my first out on Smashwords--don't ever quit, and I wish you well!
